# SOUTH ISLAND CTA, CTR, GAA & MBZ RELEVANT TO GLIDING. # # CFZ for Marlborough Sounds, Fiordland, Milford & Wanaka are not coded. # DANGER & RESTRICTED AREAS are not coded – check NOTAM for latter. # # The Omaka and three Queenstown transit lanes are shown as Glider Sectors to # enable them to be shown with different boundary colours – they are # not in fact glider sectors but they are active in daylight hours and # gliders may transit without ATC clearance. # # Some tweaking required at margins of common boundaries to reduce tendency # for multiple lines to appear at close zoom levels, due to inaccuracies in # NZANR data. # # New Mt Cook airspace NZA939 coded but display turned off as a result of CAA # decision to cancel until further notice. # #Data effective as at 14 November 2013. Use at your own risk. # # Author – Max Stevens # v3 issue 10 November 2013. # INCLUDE=YES # NZA631 TITLE=WOODBOURNE CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S413000 E1740800 POINT=S413329 E1740850 POINT=S413426 E1740854 POINT=S413625 E1740958 POINT=S413629 E1740314 POINT=S413657 E1734858 POINT=S413732 E1733027 POINT=S413207 E1732935 POINT=S412837 E1733415 POINT=S412649 E1733611 POINT=S412705 E1734311 POINT=S412702 E1734639 POINT=S412622 E1735754 POINT=S412625 E1740146 POINT=S413000 E1740800 # NZA632 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=5500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S405417 E1741821 POINT=S405942 E1741849 POINT=S410915 E1741201 POINT=S411746 E1740008 POINT=S412218 E1735627 POINT=S412640 E1735255 POINT=S412702 E1734639 POINT=S412705 E1734311 POINT=S412649 E1733611 POINT=S410614 E1734231 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S405327 E1731859 POINT=S404953 E1731948 POINT=S405417 E1741821 # NZA633 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S404100 E1751037 POINT=S404551 E1750703 POINT=S405627 E1750043 POINT=S405622 E1745936 POINT=S405536 E1745451 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S412036 E1741549 POINT=S412040 E1740742 POINT=S412331 E1740249 POINT=S412622 E1735754 POINT=S412640 E1735255 POINT=S412218 E1735627 POINT=S411746 E1740008 POINT=S410915 E1741201 POINT=S405942 E1741849 POINT=S405417 E1741821 POINT=S403754 E1745232 POINT=S403754 E1745948 POINT=S404100 E1751037 # NZA634 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=5500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S404239 E1751622 POINT=S405025 E1751021 POINT=S405557 E1750944 POINT=S410323 E1751141 POINT=S410444 E1751208 POINT=S410521 E1751215 POINT=S410554 E1751101 POINT=S410619 E1751022 POINT=S410708 E1750812 POINT=S410821 E1750532 POINT=S410523 E1750551 POINT=S410219 E1750608 POINT=S405654 E1750630 POINT=S405627 E1750043 POINT=S404551 E1750703 POINT=S404100 E1751037 POINT=S404239 E1751622 # NZA635 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=1500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S412531 E1745431 POINT=S413035 E1750328 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S412927 E1743317 POINT=S412444 E1744122 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S412429 E1744801 TO=S412531 E1745431 POINT=S412531 E1745431 # NZA637 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S410523 E1750551 POINT=S411031 E1750514 POINT=S411628 E1745718 POINT=S412531 E1745431 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S412429 E1744801 TO=S412444 E1744122 POINT=S412927 E1743317 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S413035 E1750328 POINT=S413636 E1751410 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S414458 E1744400 POINT=S413625 E1740958 POINT=S413426 E1740854 POINT=S413329 E1740850 POINT=S413000 E1740800 POINT=S412625 E1740146 POINT=S412622 E1735754 POINT=S412331 E1740249 POINT=S412040 E1740742 POINT=S412036 E1741549 POINT=S412032 E1742228 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S410812 E1742750 POINT=S410511 E1742234 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S405536 E1745451 POINT=S410205 E1745601 POINT=S410523 E1750551 # NZA638 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S405654 E1750630 POINT=S410219 E1750608 POINT=S410523 E1750551 POINT=S410205 E1745601 POINT=S405536 E1745451 POINT=S405622 E1745936 POINT=S405654 E1750630 # NZA640 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S411712 E1751606 POINT=S412555 E1751301 POINT=S413336 E1750848 POINT=S412531 E1745431 POINT=S411628 E1745718 POINT=S411031 E1750514 POINT=S411503 E1751250 POINT=S411712 E1751606 # NZA642 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=7500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S404239 E1751622 POINT=S405707 E1751657 POINT=S411118 E1751851 POINT=S411712 E1751606 POINT=S411503 E1751250 POINT=S411031 E1750514 POINT=S410821 E1750532 POINT=S410708 E1750812 POINT=S410619 E1751022 POINT=S410554 E1751101 POINT=S410521 E1751215 POINT=S410444 E1751208 POINT=S410323 E1751141 POINT=S405557 E1750944 POINT=S405025 E1751021 POINT=S404239 E1751622 # NZA643 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S410812 E1742750 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S412032 E1742228 POINT=S412036 E1741549 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S410511 E1742234 POINT=S410812 E1742750 # NZA644 TYPE= TITLE=NELSON CTA CLASS=D BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S412606 E1730523 POINT=S413006 E1730123 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S411711 E1725329 POINT=S411730 E1730007 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S412606 E1730523 POINT=S412606 E1730523 # NZA645 TITLE=NELSON CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S413006 E1730123 POINT=S413406 E1725722 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S411652 E1724652 POINT=S411711 E1725329 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S413006 E1730123 POINT=S413006 E1730123 # NZA646 TITLE=NELSON CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=5500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S410614 E1734231 POINT=S412649 E1733611 POINT=S412837 E1733415 POINT=S412103 E1731900 POINT=S412438 E1731056 POINT=S412606 E1730523 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S411322 E1732502 POINT=S410614 E1734231 # NZA647 TITLE=NELSON CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S412335 E1731320 POINT=S413807 E1731316 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S413406 E1725722 POINT=S412606 E1730523 POINT=S412438 E1731058 POINT=S412335 E1731320 # NZA648 TITLE=NELSON CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=7500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S412837 E1733415 POINT=S413207 E1732935 POINT=S413732 E1733027 POINT=S413807 E1731316 POINT=S412335 E1731320 POINT=S412103 E1731900 POINT=S412837 E1733415 # NZA649 TITLE=NELSON CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=7500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S413807 E1731316 POINT=S414607 E1731314 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=28 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S414029 E1725056 POINT=S413406 E1725722 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S413807 E1731316 POINT=S413807 E1731316 # NZA650_A TITLE=NELSON WEST SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=5500ALT POINT=S410813 E1731531 POINT=S411033 E1731431 POINT=S411726 E1731213 POINT=S412046 E1730354 POINT=S412203 E1730109 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S411730 E1730007 POINT=S411744 E1730524 POINT=S410917 E1730706 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S410813 E1731531 POINT=S410813 E1731531 # NZA650_B TITLE=NELSON EAST SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=5500ALT POINT=S411819 E1732506 POINT=S412438 E1731058 POINT=S412606 E1730523 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S412601 E1730514 POINT=S412544 E1730550 POINT=S412404 E1730856 POINT=S412341 E1730934 POINT=S411953 E1731251 POINT=S411855 E1731408 POINT=S411828 E1731435 POINT=S411202 E1731927 POINT=S410950 E1732052 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S411322 E1732502 POINT=S411819 E1732506 # NZA650_C TITLE=NELSON INSTRUMENT SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=5500ALT POINT=S410950 E1732052 POINT=S411202 E1731927 POINT=S411828 E1731435 POINT=S411855 E1731408 POINT=S411953 E1731251 POINT=S412341 E1730934 POINT=S412404 E1730856 POINT=S412544 E1730550 POINT=S412601 E1730514 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S412203 E1730109 POINT=S412046 E1730354 POINT=S411726 E1731213 POINT=S411033 E1731431 POINT=S410813 E1731531 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S410950 E1732052 POINT=S410950 E1732052 # NZA652 TITLE=NELSON CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S411100 E1733052 POINT=S411322 E1732502 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S410917 E1730706 POINT=S410452 E1730400 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S411100 E1733052 POINT=S411100 E1733052 # NZA653 TITLE=NELSON CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S410614 E1734231 POINT=S411100 E1733052 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S410452 E1730400 POINT=S405602 E1725748 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S410614 E1734231 POINT=S410614 E1734231 # NZA655_A TITLE=WOODBOURNE INSTRUMENT SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=3500ALT POINT=S413209 E1740831 POINT=S413222 E1740145 POINT=S413211 E1735154 POINT=S413357 E1734221 POINT=S413418 E1733942 POINT=S413200 E1733755 POINT=S413109 E1733727 POINT=S412838 E1733949 POINT=S412853 E1734208 POINT=S413010 E1735142 POINT=S412823 E1740110 POINT=S412756 E1740425 POINT=S413000 E1740800 POINT=S413209 E1740831 # NZA655_B TITLE=WOODBOURNE RIVER SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=3500ALT POINT=S412756 E1740425 POINT=S412823 E1740110 POINT=S413010 E1735142 POINT=S412853 E1734208 POINT=S412838 E1733949 POINT=S412705 E1734311 POINT=S412702 E1734639 POINT=S412622 E1735754 POINT=S412625 E1740146 POINT=S412756 E1740425 # NZA655_C TITLE=WOODBOURNE BRANCOTT SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=3500ALT POINT=S413209 E1740831 POINT=S413329 E1740850 POINT=S413426 E1740854 POINT=S413403 E1740353 POINT=S413422 E1735555 POINT=S413635 E1734956 POINT=S413657 E1734858 POINT=S413710 E1734156 POINT=S413418 E1733942 POINT=S413357 E1734221 POINT=S413211 E1735154 POINT=S413222 E1740145 POINT=S413209 E1740831 # NZA656 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S413625 E1740958 POINT=S414458 E1744400 POINT=S415112 E1744057 POINT=S414402 E1741621 POINT=S414022 E1740428 POINT=S413842 E1740424 POINT=S413629 E1740314 POINT=S413625 E1740958 # NZA657 TITLE=WELLINGTON CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=5500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S415112 E1744057 POINT=S420358 E1743442 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=45 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S414224 E1735652 POINT=S414228 E1734859 POINT=S413657 E1734858 POINT=S413629 E1740314 POINT=S413842 E1740424 POINT=S414022 E1740428 POINT=S414402 E1741621 POINT=S415112 E1744057 # NZA659_A TITLE=WELLINGTON KARORI SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S411559 E1744648 POINT=S411704 E1744650 POINT=S411836 E1744639 POINT=S411839 E1744444 POINT=S411839 E1744132 POINT=S411316 E1744141 POINT=S411314 E1744241 POINT=S411559 E1744648 # NZA659_B TITLE=WELLINGTON NORWEST SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S410715 E1744553 POINT=S411401 E1744646 POINT=S411559 E1744648 POINT=S411314 E1744241 POINT=S411316 E1744141 POINT=S411148 E1744143 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S411154 E1744820 TO=S410715 E1744553 POINT=S410715 E1744553 # NZA659_C TITLE=WELLINGTON HUTT SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S410739 E1745150 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S411154 E1744820 TO=S411160 E1745458 POINT=S411531 E1745453 POINT=S411531 E1745445 POINT=S411333 E1745148 POINT=S410951 E1745150 POINT=S410739 E1745150 # NZA659_D TITLE=WELLINGTON EASTBOURNE SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S411531 E1745453 POINT=S412043 E1745445 POINT=S412035 E1745026 POINT=S411704 E1745147 POINT=S411333 E1745148 POINT=S411531 E1745445 POINT=S411531 E1745453 # NZA659_E TITLE=WELLINGTON SINCLAIR SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S412037 E1744626 POINT=S412059 E1744623 POINT=S412331 E1744452 POINT=S412331 E1744123 POINT=S412046 E1744129 POINT=S412037 E1744626 # NZA659_F TITLE=WELLINGTON PENCARROW SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S412043 E1745445 POINT=S412444 E1745306 POINT=S412531 E1745431 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S412429 E1744801 TO=S412625 E1745410 POINT=S412453 E1745129 POINT=S412156 E1745021 POINT=S412035 E1745026 POINT=S412043 E1745445 # NZA659_G TITLE=WELLINGTON INSTRUMENT SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S410739 E1745150 POINT=S411704 E1745147 POINT=S412035 E1745026 POINT=S412917 E1744953 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S412429 E1744801 TO=S412722 E1744234 POINT=S412059 E1744623 POINT=S411704 E1744650 POINT=S411401 E1744646 POINT=S410715 E1744553 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S411154 E1744820 TO=S410739 E1745150 POINT=S410739 E1745150 # NZA659_H TITLE=WELLINGTON TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S411839 E1744132 POINT=S411839 E1744444 POINT=S411836 E1744639 POINT=S412037 E1744626 POINT=S412046 E1744129 POINT=S411839 E1744132 # NZA659_I TITLE=WELLINGTON TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S412331 E1744123 POINT=S412331 E1744452 POINT=S412722 E1744234 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S412429 E1744801 TO=S412423 E1744122 POINT=S412331 E1744123 # NZA659_J TITLE=WELLINGTON TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S412156 E1745021 POINT=S412453 E1745129 POINT=S412625 E1745410 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5 CENTRE=S412429 E1744801 TO=S412917 E1744953 POINT=S412156 E1745021 # NZA731 TITLE=QUEENSTOWN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=7500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S445554 E1690749 POINT=S450103 E1690735 POINT=S450424 E1690554 POINT=S450445 E1690120 POINT=S450430 E1690009 POINT=S450247 E1685159 POINT=S450236 E1685003 POINT=S450317 E1684809 POINT=S450925 E1684732 POINT=S451256 E1684711 POINT=S451751 E1684655 POINT=S451840 E1683359 POINT=S451319 E1681835 POINT=S451213 E1681524 POINT=S451007 E1681400 POINT=S450841 E1681302 POINT=S450515 E1681035 POINT=S450022 E1681315 POINT=S450001 E1683403 POINT=S445750 E1683903 POINT=S445534 E1684333 POINT=S445457 E1684423 POINT=S445209 E1684829 POINT=S445233 E1685743 POINT=S445511 E1685634 POINT=S445556 E1690041 POINT=S445540 E1690305 POINT=S445554 E1690749 # NZA732 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S390124 E1735346 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S390602 E1735518 POINT=S395813 E1733342 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=100 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S413712 E1723754 POINT=S425442 E1712447 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60 CENTRE=S433015 E1723053 TO=S433032 E1710826 POINT=S432934 E1705008 POINT=S432736 E1701503 POINT=S433614 E1680300 POINT=S412527 E1702324 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=200 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S390738 E1713322 POINT=S390124 E1735346 # NZA733 TITLE=QUEENSTOWN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=6500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S444856 E1690706 POINT=S445554 E1690749 POINT=S445540 E1690305 POINT=S445556 E1690041 POINT=S445511 E1685634 POINT=S445233 E1685743 POINT=S444856 E1690706 # NZA735 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=9500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S462007 E1694240 POINT=S462817 E1684008 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S463940 E1682025 POINT=S464937 E1681618 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S464651 E1680218 POINT=S463655 E1680628 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S460948 E1681640 POINT=S455942 E1681854 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S460113 E1683127 POINT=S454531 E1684527 POINT=S454939 E1685721 POINT=S454337 E1690459 POINT=S455959 E1692657 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30 CENTRE=S455645 E1700942 TO=S462007 E1694240 POINT=S462007 E1694240 # NZA740 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=FL245 TOPS=FL600 POINT=S432822 E1700322 POINT=S441738 E1692611 POINT=S440225 E1685155 POINT=S441109 E1682153 POINT=S434259 E1675523 POINT=S433614 E1680300 POINT=S432822 E1700322 # NZA741 TITLE=QUEENSTOWN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=7500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S444748 E1691403 POINT=S445218 E1691700 POINT=S445554 E1690749 POINT=S444856 E1690706 POINT=S444748 E1691403 # NZA742 TITLE=QUEENSTOWN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=9500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S443107 E1693534 POINT=S444400 E1694442 POINT=S445353 E1693941 POINT=S445805 E1692850 POINT=S450103 E1690735 POINT=S445554 E1690749 POINT=S445218 E1691700 POINT=S444748 E1691403 POINT=S444856 E1690706 POINT=S445233 E1685743 POINT=S445209 E1684829 POINT=S445457 E1684423 POINT=S445534 E1684333 POINT=S445750 E1683903 POINT=S450001 E1683403 POINT=S450022 E1681315 POINT=S445815 E1681339 POINT=S445605 E1682146 POINT=S445610 E1682630 POINT=S444845 E1682947 POINT=S444038 E1682306 POINT=S443808 E1682739 POINT=S444604 E1683721 POINT=S444508 E1684357 POINT=S443649 E1690306 POINT=S444133 E1690844 POINT=S443107 E1693534 # NZA743 TITLE=QUEENSTOWN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=9500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S451751 E1684655 POINT=S453216 E1684139 POINT=S453002 E1682945 POINT=S451213 E1681524 POINT=S451319 E1681835 POINT=S451840 E1683359 POINT=S451751 E1684655 # NZA744 TITLE=QUEENSTOWN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S442630 E1693220 POINT=S443107 E1693534 POINT=S444133 E1690844 POINT=S443649 E1690306 POINT=S444508 E1684357 POINT=S444604 E1683721 POINT=S443808 E1682739 POINT=S444038 E1682306 POINT=S444845 E1682947 POINT=S445610 E1682630 POINT=S445605 E1682146 POINT=S445815 E1681339 POINT=S445622 E1680549 POINT=S443758 E1680006 POINT=S442806 E1674953 POINT=S441109 E1682153 POINT=S443247 E1691003 POINT=S442630 E1693220 # NZA747 TITLE=INVERCARGILL CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=1500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S463940 E1682025 POINT=S464937 E1681618 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S464652 E1680218 POINT=S463655 E1680628 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S463940 E1682025 POINT=S463940 E1682025 # NZA748 TITLE=INVERCARGILL CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S462623 E1685507 POINT=S462817 E1684008 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S460948 E1681640 POINT=S455942 E1681854 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S462623 E1685507 POINT=S462623 E1685507 # NZA749 TITLE=INVERCARGILL CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=5500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S460701 E1690236 POINT=S461052 E1684906 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S460113 E1683127 POINT=S455235 E1683906 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S460701 E1690236 POINT=S460701 E1690236 # NZA754_A TITLE=INVERCARGILL NORTH SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S461605 E1682252 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=9 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S461842 E1682848 POINT=S461934 E1682647 POINT=S462345 E1681825 POINT=S462537 E1680825 POINT=S462609 E1680612 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=9 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S462146 E1680646 POINT=S461605 E1682252 # NZA754_B TITLE=INVERCARGILL INSTRUMENT SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S461842 E1682848 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=9 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S462311 E1683156 POINT=S462344 E1682940 POINT=S462416 E1682651 POINT=S462552 E1681929 POINT=S462709 E1681638 POINT=S462948 E1681117 POINT=S463039 E1680919 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=9 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S462609 E1680612 POINT=S462537 E1680825 POINT=S462345 E1681825 POINT=S461934 E1682647 POINT=S461842 E1682848 # NZA754_C TITLE=INVERCARGILL SOUTH SECTOR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S462311 E1683156 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=9 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S462651 E1683142 POINT=S463249 E1681329 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=9 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S463039 E1680919 POINT=S462948 E1681117 POINT=S462709 E1681638 POINT=S462552 E1681929 POINT=S462416 E1682651 POINT=S462344 E1682940 POINT=S462311 E1683156 # NZA756 TITLE=QUEENSTOWN CTR TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=7500ALT POINT=S445554 E1690749 POINT=S450103 E1690735 POINT=S450424 E1690554 POINT=S450445 E1690120 POINT=S450430 E1690009 POINT=S450247 E1685159 POINT=S450236 E1685003 POINT=S450317 E1684809 POINT=S450925 E1684732 POINT=S451256 E1684711 POINT=S451238 E1683904 POINT=S451142 E1683640 POINT=S450912 E1683805 POINT=S450629 E1683938 POINT=S450607 E1683851 POINT=S450744 E1683335 POINT=S450920 E1683005 POINT=S451207 E1682358 POINT=S451319 E1681835 POINT=S451213 E1681524 POINT=S451007 E1681400 POINT=S450841 E1681302 POINT=S450344 E1682736 POINT=S450001 E1683403 POINT=S445750 E1683903 POINT=S445534 E1684333 POINT=S445457 E1684423 POINT=S445436 E1685011 POINT=S445427 E1685231 POINT=S445511 E1685634 POINT=S445556 E1690041 POINT=S445540 E1690305 POINT=S445554 E1690749 # NZA833 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=7500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S420357 E1743442 POINT=S423708 E1741830 POINT=S431007 E1731815 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S425611 E1725935 POINT=S414923 E1740319 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=45 CENTRE=S412013 E1744902 TO=S420357 E1743442 POINT=S420357 E1743442 # NZA838 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=9500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S391349 E1745456 POINT=S394152 E1745505 POINT=S403754 E1745525 POINT=S403754 E1745948 POINT=S404239 E1751622 POINT=S405707 E1751657 POINT=S411118 E1751851 POINT=S411308 E1752735 POINT=S411650 E1754819 POINT=S460029 E1705037 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S454740 E1702839 TO=S460437 E1704350 POINT=S462901 E1701409 POINT=S462007 E1694240 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30 CENTRE=S455645 E1700943 TO=S460000 E1692657 POINT=S455209 E1695337 POINT=S454030 E1701817 POINT=S452743 E1703021 POINT=S450116 E1705459 POINT=S441024 E1712916 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60 CENTRE=S433015 E1723053 TO=S425442 E1712447 POINT=S413712 E1723754 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=100 CENTRE=S412014 E1744902 TO=S395813 E1733342 POINT=S390602 E1735518 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S390124 E1735346 POINT=S390026 E1741102 POINT=S391349 E1745456 # NZA837 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=11500ALT TOPS=FL600 CIRCLE RADIUS=3 CENTRE=S415945 E1733946 # NZA840 TITLE=NELSON CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=5500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S411618 E1723627 POINT=S411652 E1724652 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S413406 E1725722 POINT=S414029 E1725056 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=28 CENTRE=S411806 E1731321 TO=S412011 E1723618 POINT=S411618 E1723627 # NZA841 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=1500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S432328 E1725643 POINT=S433342 E1724500 POINT=S433354 E1723730 POINT=S433937 E1723252 POINT=S434905 E1722138 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S433124 E1720326 POINT=S432920 E1720623 POINT=S432959 E1721251 POINT=S432529 E1721922 POINT=S431838 E1723211 POINT=S431456 E1724006 POINT=S431155 E1724151 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S432328 E1725643 POINT=S432328 E1725643 # NZA844 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S431155 E1724151 POINT=S431456 E1724006 POINT=S431838 E1723211 POINT=S432529 E1721922 POINT=S432959 E1721251 POINT=S432920 E1720623 POINT=S431820 E1721747 POINT=S431017 E1722847 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S431155 E1724151 POINT=S431155 E1724151 # NZA845 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S432158 E1731027 POINT=S434354 E1723500 POINT=S435932 E1723946 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S433156 E1714943 POINT=S433124 E1720326 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S434905 E1722138 POINT=S433937 E1723252 POINT=S433354 E1723730 POINT=S433342 E1724500 POINT=S432328 E1725643 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S431030 E1723517 POINT=S430035 E1723710 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S432158 E1731027 POINT=S432158 E1731027 # NZA847 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=5500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S431459 E1732134 POINT=S432158 E1731027 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S430035 E1723710 POINT=S431030 E1723517 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S431017 E1722847 POINT=S431820 E1721747 POINT=S432920 E1720623 POINT=S433124 E1720326 POINT=S433156 E1714943 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S435932 E1723946 POINT=S440918 E1724246 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S433227 E1713559 POINT=S433212 E1714251 POINT=S425014 E1723201 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S431459 E1732134 POINT=S431459 E1732134 # NZA849 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=7500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S425526 E1722556 POINT=S433212 E1714251 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35 CENTRE=S433015 E1723052 TO=S425526 E1722556 POINT=S425526 E1722556 # NZA855_C TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTR TYPE=CTR BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S432017 E1724241 POINT=S433034 E1724354 POINT=S433354 E1723730 POINT=S433830 E1722813 POINT=S433810 E1722658 POINT=S433527 E1722244 POINT=S433334 E1721912 POINT=S433207 E1721827 POINT=S433022 E1721856 POINT=S433006 E1722351 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=1.5 CENTRE=S432836 E1722348 TO=S432715 E1722443 POINT=S432611 E1722242 POINT=S432533 E1722154 POINT=S432252 E1722511 POINT=S432040 E1723017 POINT=S431920 E1723237 POINT=S431930 E1723556 POINT=S432017 E1724241 # NZA936 TITLE=DUNEDIN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S460437 E1704350 POINT=S462901 E1701409 POINT=S462007 E1694240 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30 CENTRE=S455645 E1700943 TO=S460000 E1692657 POINT=S455209 E1695337 POINT=S455024 E1695721 POINT=S455532 E1695945 POINT=S455514 E1700024 POINT=S455019 E1701144 POINT=S454725 E1701717 POINT=S454610 E1702032 POINT=S454355 E1702137 POINT=S454315 E1702123 POINT=S454030 E1701817 POINT=S452743 E1703021 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20 CENTRE=S454740 E1702838 TO=S460436 E1704350 POINT=S460437 E1704350 # NZA937 TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S454030 E1701817 POINT=S454315 E1702123 POINT=S454355 E1702137 POINT=S454610 E1702032 POINT=S454725 E1701717 POINT=S455019 E1701144 POINT=S455514 E1700024 POINT=S455532 E1695945 POINT=S455024 E1695721 POINT=S454030 E1701817 # NZA938 TITLE=DUNEDIN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=7500ALT TOPS=13500ALT POINT=S452743 E1703021 POINT=S454030 E1701817 POINT=S455209 E1695337 POINT=S460000 E1692657 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30 CENTRE=S455645 E1700942 TO=S452652 E1700558 POINT=S452743 E1703021 # NEW MT COOK AIRSPACE # NZA939 INCLUDE=NO TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=FL245 TOPS=FL600 POINT=S432934 E1705008 POINT=S440429 E1701335 POINT=S442451 E1693806 POINT=S441738 E1692611 POINT=S432822 E1700322 POINT=S432736 E1701503 POINT=S432934 E1705008 INCLUDE=YES # NZA943 TITLE=QUEENSTOWN CTA TYPE= CLASS=D BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S445550 E1700512 POINT=S445926 E1695820 POINT=S450357 E1695412 POINT=S453226 E1691853 POINT=S454337 E1690500 POINT=S454940 E1685722 POINT=S454532 E1684528 POINT=S460114 E1683128 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S455942 E1681854 POINT=S455139 E1681348 POINT=S451213 E1681524 POINT=S453002 E1682945 POINT=S453216 E1684139 POINT=S451751 E1684655 POINT=S451256 E1684711 POINT=S450925 E1684732 POINT=S450317 E1684809 POINT=S450236 E1685003 POINT=S450247 E1685159 POINT=S450430 E1690009 POINT=S450445 E1690120 POINT=S450424 E1690554 POINT=S450103 E1690735 POINT=S445805 E1692850 POINT=S445353 E1693941 POINT=S444400 E1694442 POINT=S445550 E1700512 # NZA944 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S441024 E1712916 POINT=S450116 E1705459 POINT=S452743 E1703021 POINT=S454030 E1701817 POINT=S455209 E1695337 POINT=S460000 E1692657 POINT=S454337 E1690500 POINT=S453226 E1691853 POINT=S450357 E1695412 POINT=S445926 E1695820 POINT=S445550 E1700512 POINT=S444400 E1694442 POINT=S443107 E1693534 POINT=S442630 E1693220 POINT=S442451 E1693806 POINT=S440429 E1701335 POINT=S432934 E1705008 POINT=S433032 E1710826 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60 CENTRE=S433015 E1723053 TO=S441024 E1712916 POINT=S441024 E1712916 # NZA946 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=FL285 TOPS=FL600 POINT=S462007 E1694240 POINT=S470816 E1694240 POINT=S480900 E1681600 POINT=S455500 E1651800 POINT=S444504 E1664317 POINT=S451007 E1681400 POINT=S451213 E1681524 POINT=S455139 E1681348 POINT=S455942 E1681854 POINT=S460948 E1681640 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S463655 E1680629 POINT=S464652 E1680219 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S464938 E1681618 POINT=S463940 E1682026 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S462817 E1684008 POINT=S462007 E1694240 # NZA949 TITLE=CHRISTCHURCH CTA TYPE= CLASS=C BASE=FL175 TOPS=FL600 POINT=S442451 E1693806 POINT=S442630 E1693220 POINT=S443107 E1693534 POINT=S444400 E1694442 POINT=S445550 E1700512 POINT=S445926 E1695820 POINT=S450357 E1695412 POINT=S453226 E1691853 POINT=S454337 E1690500 POINT=S454940 E1685722 POINT=S454532 E1684528 POINT=S460114 E1683127 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25 CENTRE=S462442 E1681903 TO=S455942 E1681854 POINT=S455139 E1681348 POINT=S451213 E1681524 POINT=S451007 E1681400 POINT=S444504 E1664317 POINT=S434259 E1675523 POINT=S441109 E1682153 POINT=S440225 E1685155 POINT=S441738 E1692611 POINT=S442451 E1693806 # NZG755 TITLE=CORONET PEAK G755 TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=5500ALT POINT=S445436 E1685011 POINT=S445633 E1684910 POINT=S445712 E1684442 POINT=S445651 E1684414 POINT=S445534 E1684333 POINT=S445457 E1684423 POINT=S445436 E1685011 # NZG870 TITLE=LAKE STATION G870 by notification TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=9500ALT TOPS=FL195 POINT=S414535 E1724448 POINT=S414900 E1725015 POINT=S421153 E1724400 POINT=S421144 E1722828 POINT=S421203 E1720655 POINT=S421156 E1720526 POINT=S420139 E1721507 POINT=S414535 E1724448 # NZG954 TITLE=RANFURLY G954 by ATC approval TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S450801 E1702620 POINT=S452532 E1700414 POINT=S452708 E1694840 POINT=S452946 E1692212 POINT=S450356 E1695411 POINT=S445925 E1695819 POINT=S445550 E1700511 POINT=S450448 E1702330 POINT=S450801 E1702620 # NZG955 TITLE=WAITAKI G955 by ATC approval TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S443829 E1705438 POINT=S445119 E1704107 POINT=S445509 E1703723 POINT=S450801 E1702620 POINT=S450448 E1702330 POINT=S445550 E1700511 POINT=S444815 E1701932 POINT=S444118 E1702536 POINT=S443245 E1703057 POINT=S442052 E1704225 POINT=S443829 E1705438 # NZG957 TITLE=OMARAMA G957 by notification TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S442053 E1704225 POINT=S443245 E1703057 POINT=S444119 E1702536 POINT=S444815 E1701932 POINT=S445550 E1700512 POINT=S444400 E1694442 POINT=S443107 E1693534 POINT=S442630 E1693220 POINT=S442451 E1693806 POINT=S440429 E1701335 POINT=S440819 E1701639 POINT=S441800 E1703611 POINT=S442053 E1704225 # NZG958 TITLE=TWO THUMBS G958 by notification TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S434412 E1705711 POINT=S440552 E1704943 POINT=S442053 E1704225 POINT=S441800 E1703611 POINT=S440819 E1701639 POINT=S440429 E1701335 POINT=S432934 E1705008 POINT=S434412 E1705711 # NZG959 TITLE=RANGITATA RIVR G959 by ATC approval TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL175 POINT=S433031 E1710825 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60 CENTRE=S433014 E1723052 TO=S435547 E1711606 POINT=S442052 E1704225 POINT=S440551 E1704942 POINT=S434412 E1705710 POINT=S432934 E1705008 POINT=S433031 E1710825 # NZG976 TITLE=HORORATA G976 by notification TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S432920 E1720623 POINT=S433124 E1720326 POINT=S434039 E1715209 POINT=S433254 E1714230 POINT=S433212 E1714251 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35 CENTRE=S433014 E1723052 TO=S431818 E1714535 POINT=S432000 E1714745 POINT=S432000 E1715425 POINT=S432330 E1720120 POINT=S432920 E1720623 # NZB682 TITLE=MOTUEKA MBZ 127.3 MHz TYPE= CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S410917 E1730706 POINT=S411021 E1730000 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=3 CENTRE=S410724 E1725919 TO=S410528 E1725616 POINT=S410059 E1730117 POINT=S410917 E1730706 # NZB970 TITLE=TIMARU MBZ 119.5MHz TM above 1500ALT TYPE= CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=4500ALT POINT=S441327 E1712159 POINT=S441613 E1711926 POINT=S441755 E1711629 POINT=S442033 E1711159 POINT=S442313 E1710654 POINT=S442402 E1710326 POINT=S442231 E1710024 POINT=S441540 E1710753 POINT=S441302 E1711053 POINT=S440809 E1711753 POINT=S440738 E1711811 POINT=S441327 E1712159 # NZB978 TITLE=SOUTHERN ALPS MBZ 118.6 MHz TYPE= CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=12500ALT POINT=S433307 E1703319 POINT=S433934 E1703445 POINT=S434930 E1703636 POINT=S435658 E1703357 POINT=S440401 E1702535 POINT=S440414 E1702134 POINT=S440321 E1700548 POINT=S440159 E1695145 POINT=S435159 E1695004 POINT=S434502 E1695211 POINT=S433429 E1694821 POINT=S432654 E1694900 POINT=S432514 E1695730 POINT=S431944 E1700552 POINT=S431654 E1700830 POINT=S431734 E1701314 POINT=S432032 E1702153 POINT=S432604 E1702833 POINT=S433032 E1703114 POINT=S433307 E1703319 # NZT654 TITLE=OMAKA TRANSIT LANE TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S413000 E1740800 POINT=S413329 E1740850 POINT=S413426 E1740854 POINT=S413403 E1740353 POINT=S413422 E1735555 POINT=S413635 E1734956 POINT=S413657 E1734858 POINT=S413710 E1734156 POINT=S413539 E1734045 POINT=S413211 E1735217 POINT=S413212 E1735249 POINT=S413148 E1735256 POINT=S413144 E1735640 POINT=S413226 E1735804 POINT=S413232 E1740125 POINT=S413000 E1740344 POINT=S412920 E1740233 POINT=S412834 E1740203 POINT=S412625 E1740146 POINT=S413000 E1740800 # NZT750 TITLE=KAWERAU TRANSIT LANE TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=4500ALT POINT=S445554 E1690749 POINT=S450103 E1690735 POINT=S450424 E1690554 POINT=S450445 E1690120 POINT=S450430 E1690009 POINT=S450235 E1690057 POINT=S445738 E1685940 POINT=S445556 E1690041 POINT=S445540 E1690305 POINT=S445554 E1690749 # NZT751 TITLE=KINGSTON TRANSIT LANE TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=5000ALT POINT=S450925 E1684732 POINT=S451256 E1684711 POINT=S451238 E1683904 POINT=S451142 E1683640 POINT=S450912 E1683805 POINT=S450925 E1684732 # NZT752 TITLE=RIDGE PEAK TRANSIT LANE TYPE=GSEC CLASS= BASE=SFC TOPS=5000ALT POINT=S450344 E1682736 POINT=S450431 E1682743 POINT=S450622 E1682725 POINT=S450920 E1683005 POINT=S451207 E1682358 POINT=S451319 E1681835 POINT=S451213 E1681524 POINT=S450841 E1681302 POINT=S450344 E1682736 # END