Photo Gallery
From Mobile Uploads. Posted by Gliding New Zealand ( NZ ) on 12/26/2013 (176 items)
- Airbus Perlan Mission II on display at Reno Air Races last weekend. Today at Redman B…
- Perfect time to get current before the spring thermals start popping. Graham Erikson …
- John Coutts and Dane Dickinson have had a great day at the 2015 European Champs in Ri…
- The lastest SoaringNZ magazine is out now. Issue 40 features the latest competition w…
- Easter Monday wave over Kaikoura
- Jamie Halstead passes the front line at Classic Fighters Omaka in his ASH 25 (GOA). P…
- OMA flown by Brad Newfield was busy with 4 aerotow retrieves landing at 9pm yesterday…
- Wine tasting with Ostler Wines the Ostler Vineyards National Multi-Class Gliding Cham…
- 20 years ago today the 1995 World Gliding Championships was held on our doorstep in O…
- Day 2 of the Ostler Vineyards National Multi-Class Gliding Championships are underway
- Official results for the Worlds 2014 in Leszno, Poland. 18m: John Coutts 2nd (by onl…
- Three hour wait on grid…finally all off and flying.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Last day of The World Gliding Championship, Leszno 2014.
- Steve (JS) on screen being tracked. He made it to over 100km/h.
- A no fly day today which is lucky as 95% of the gliders landed out in various parts o…
- A big storm came and ruined the day. I think most people didn’t even make it to the f…
- Winner Day Five 18m – John Coutts.
- Today is the first day of the World Gliding Champs 2014. Steve, John and Brett are a…
- Today is the first day of the World Gliding Champs 2014. Steve, John and Brett are a…
- Today is the first day of the World Gliding Champs 2014. Steve, John and Brett are a…
- Something to end a good day…
- Afternoon cloud formation. Just amazing!
- Today’s task. Another hot day – forecast for 31 degrees!
- Ross Drake repping NZ as he soars in Europe
- Nationals update – the sun is shinning and wind is westerly – looking forward to big …
- Nationals update – after warning everyone about speeding on the strip our CD, Ralph H…
- Nationals update – and the sun is shinning!!
- Nationals update – the day has been cancelled. A spot of housekeeping instead perhap…
- Nationals update – Day Two task set. 2hr AAT launching at 11:30.
- Nationals update – day winners to follow but an important celebration – our third ‘go…
- Nationals update – Day Two task setting is underway.
- Nationals update – sun is shining, task has been set! 300k racing task launching at 1…
- Sunshine, some blue sky, gliders being rigged, a feeling of optimism around the camp …
- Nationals update – congratulations to Nigel Brinkworth for going solo yesterday! Pict…
- Congratulations to Richard Greatrex from the Auckland Gliding Club (AK Ask-21) who we…
- Practice day today at the New Zealand Multi Class Gliding Championships 2014 (the Nat…
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