Executive Contacts

Media Contacts

Primary Steve Wallace Mobile 021 466 166    
Secondary Nigel Davy Mobile 027 432 1314    

1. Executive Committee


Steve Wallace president@gliding.co.nz M 021 466 166    

Vice President

Nigel Davy nigel@gliding.co.nz M 027 432 1314    

Executive Officer

Max Stevens executive.officer@gliding.co.nz H 03 310 3117 M 027 543 5033 P O Box 600, Rangiora 7440


Laurie Kirkham treasurer@gliding.co.nz H 03 442 7307    

Committee Members

Amy Smith amysmithinnz@gmail.com M 020 4110 7806    
Brian Sharpe bwsharpe300@gmail.com M 027 248 1780    
Glyn Jackson jacksonglyn@gmail.com M 0210 250 4646  

Youth Glide NZ Representative

James Mitchell james546211@gmail.com M 022 674 0824    

2. Operations Committee

National Operations Officer

Martyn Cook noo@gliding.co.nz H 04 239 9759 M 021 675 570  

Northern Region Operations Officer

David Moody northern.roo@gliding.co.nz H 09 255 5509 M 021 388 693  

Central Region Operations Officer

David Hirst central.roo@gliding.co.nz  H 06 306 6335  M 021 493 349  

Southern Region Operations Officer

Warwick Bethwaite southern.roo@gliding.co.nz M 027 374 1059    

3. Coaching

National Head Coach

Nigel Davy nigel@seq.co.nz M 027 432 1314    

Northern Region Head Coach

Paul Schofield  sportairltd@yahoo.com M 021 145 1367    

Central Region Head Coach (Joint)

Mark Wilson  wilson_mj@hotmail.com M 027 286 5129    
David Hirst  david.hirst.nz@gmail.com M 021 493 349    

Southern Region Head Coach

Nigel Davy nigel@seq.co.nz M 027 432 1314    

4. Airworthiness

National Airworthiness Officer

Jason Shields jasonshieldsNAO@gmail.com M 021 962 269    

5. Awards

Awards Officer

Bruno Tagliapietra awards@gliding.co.nz M 022 644 1465    

6. Airspace Committee


CJ McCaw cjmccaw@gmail.com M 021 731 999    

Northern Region Member

Tim Bromhead piako@pear.co.nz M 021 217 9049    

Central Region Member

Ben Wilson ben.wilson_NZ@hotmail.com  M 027 464 6161    

Southern Region Member

Kevin Bethwaite kevin.bethwaite@gmail.co.nz M 027 432 5515    

7. Sailplane Racing Committee


Nicholas Oakley nwoakley6@outlook.com M 027 225 1404    


Mark Wilson wilson_mj@hotmail.com M 021 069 1678 M 027 286 5129  
Rob Lyon rob@lymac.co.nz M 021 324 232    
Ross Gaddes ross@sailplaneservices.co.nz M 027 478 9123    
Kieran Cassidy wekamai48@gmail.com M 027 381 0280    
John Robertson jwr51@hotmail.com M 021 0236 6406    

8. Central Membership Register

Central Register Manager

Laurie Kirkham membership@gliding.co.nz H 03 442 7307    P O Box 284, Queenstown 9348

9. Quality

Quality Manager

Terry Jones quality@gliding.co.nz H 03 418 4262  M 027 452 1498 P O Box 294, Balclutha 9240

10. Membership Development Team


Brian Sharpe development@gliding.co.nz M 027 248 1780    


Sabrina Schels sabrina-schels@web.de M 021 258 8633    
Malcolm Piggott malrose@xtra.co.nz M 027 631 7843    
Ben Wilson ben.wilson_nz@hotmail.com M 027 464 6161    
Tim Tarbotton ttarbotton@gmail.com M 027 201 2789    

11. Gliding NZ website: https://gliding.co.nz/


Tim Bromhead webmaster@gliding.co.nz M 021 217 9049    

12. New Zealand Aviation Federation

GNZ Representative

Bob Henderson bob.henderson@xtra.co.nz M 021 717 569    

13. Selection Panel for FAI Class 1 International Events

Selectors of Pilots to Represent New Zealand

Sarel Venter sarelventer61@gmail.com M 021 0282 5879    
Tony van Dyk tvandyknz@gmail.com M 027 477 4546    
Karen Morgan morganjones@xtra.co.nz M 027 299 0301    

14. FAI Gliding Commission

New Zealand Delegate

Bob Henderson bob.henderson@xtra.co.nz M 021 717 569    
© Copyright Gliding New Zealand 2008. All Rights Reserved