ADSB Receiver Network Project

Gliding New Zealand is proud to support installation of ADSB receivers around the country, to improve safety tracking of gliders and all aircraft.

A map of existing receievers can be found here:

There are other recievers around the country that are not assiciated with our organisations. We use two ADSB networks: and They also have their own coverage maps. Current areas we are lacking coverage in particular:

  • Queenstown
  • Fiordland
  • Hamner Springs
  • Taranaki
  • Whanganui
  • National Park / Central Plateau
  • Taihape/Waiouru
  • South Island West coast
  • Mt Cook

How you can help

Fund a receiver

Each ADSB receiver costs around $500 for the parts and an hour of time to set up and configure. If you’d like to help fund a receiver, contact We can buy the parts and configure a receiver on your behalf, and match it up to a suitable host who can install it.

Set up your own receiver

Instructions what to buy and how to set up your own receiver can be found at

We can help get you set up, just contact us.

Host a receiver

Do you have a suitable site that has access to power and internet? You’d need to host a Raspberry pi computer, and install an antenna on the roof. Ideally you’re in a location that does not have a nearby reciever already, and is elevated with good clear line of sight coverage around you. Also useful is to set up recievers near eixsting airports or airfields, where aircraft are often low.

We can help get you set up, just contact us.


Why not use FlightRadar 24?
FlightRadar24 has good coverage around NZ, but does not allow use of their data without hefty commercial prices. We also need to get our own data so we can merge it with other data sources our pilots use e.g. SPOT, InReach, FLARM and cellular apps. Finally FR24 doesn’t always have reception at low level near where we fly often.

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