Gliding Championships
The New Zealand National Gliding Championships (Nationals) are held annually, and are divided into various classes, as set out in the Contest Rules.
The Club Class Nationals are normally held at a different venue and time to the Multi-Class Nationals – typically with one event in the North Island and the other in the South Island each season.
Championship venues are agreed at the Contest Pilots’ Meeting held during the GNZ Annual Conference, taking into account the suitability of the site, its facilities, and other relevant factors. The actual dates of the Championships depend on local conditions, and are normally set by the Organising Committee, subject to approval by the GNZ Executive Committee. The rules and scoring system employed are those laid down by the GNZ Sailplane Racing Committee.
N.B. Entry is open to New Zealand Nationals (as defined in the FAI Sporting Code for Gliding Records) who are qualified and are financial members of a gliding organisation affiliated to GNZ. Foreign Nationals may enter at the invitation of GNZ with the endorsement of their National Gliding Organisation. Such foreign entrants shall be accorded the same facilities and privileges as other competitors, and shall be scored as normal in the appropriate class, but shall not be eligible for any National or Championship title.
A wide range of trophies is available for awarding at a National Championship.
Regional Championships are also held annually at Northern, Central and Southern venues. These provide an opportunity for an introduction to competition flying to glider pilots in all parts of the country.
Here also the organisation, site etc are subject to GNZ Executive Committee approval, and the rules and scoring system of the GNZ Sailplane Racing Committee are used.
For more detailed information on the management and rules infrastructure for sanctioned gliding competitions and NZ participation in international championship see AC 2-10 Competitions.